Upcoming events.


December 2020 Business Meeting

Our December 2020 business meeting - We will cover the remaining officer elections and discuss upcoming business and events!

Topic: Cream of the Crop 4H Dec. Mtg.

Time: Dec 4, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 815 9750 3206

Passcode: 842102

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Meeting ID: 815 9750 3206

Passcode: 842102

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcgvv357t7

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New and Returning Member Enrollment

Returning and new member enrollment! We share this meeting with Just Kidding Around. Remember to:

  • Read and sign the Code of Conduct and Constitution

  • Enter/Update Insurance information

  • Dues! $5 club dues per child (no more than $15 per family) and $40 County dues. Please pay separately. Make checks for the Club out to “Cream of the Crop 4-H Club” or “Just Kidding Around 4-H” and make County dues out to “Pierce County 4-H”

  • If you would like a physical receipt of your payment, please leave us your mailing address and it will be sent out to you.

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End of Year Meeting

Our end of the year review meeting! Things have certainly been different this year, and it’s hard to say how things will change going forward. Let’s end things on a positive note!

Officer applications will be available and are encouraged. Feedback on what you would like to see covered next year, or changes you think would be helpful are also encouraged. Hope to see you there!

[Zoom Link]

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